Category Archives: A Minute for MeDream Big
Date: December 14, 2011
Inspiration struck at the grocery store. I was heading for the checkout counter when my eye was caught by a photo on a greeting card: a darling baby with her bright, sparkling eyes peeping over the top of a bucket, above the words, “Give us dreams a size too big so that we can […] Continue reading → It’s Raining Responsibility
Date: September 6, 2011
We celebrated my daughter’s Sweet Sixteen birthday with a weekend in New York City for just the two of us. One plan of many, squeezed into a short 48 hours, was to grab a cup of coffee and have breakfast near (instead of at) Tiffany’s. We got rained out, though. The rain poured down in […] Continue reading → 10 Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice
Date: June 21, 2011
Today is the longest day of the year. On this summer solstice, remember to celebrate the energy of the sun–the bright, open energy that fosters growth and a rich harvest. Here are ten ideas for your celebration: 1. Open the morning with the yoga seri… Continue reading → What’s your YES criteria?
Date: January 26, 2011
I lead Power and Play Retreats for entrepreneurs and executives. At one such gathering, a participant was wondering what direction to go in as she tried to figure out the best path to follow. So many options, so little time! One of her peers gave a gr… Continue reading → Giving up
Date: December 31, 2010
As I sit and write this New Year’s Eve morning, I’m thinking about giving up . Everyone’s always creating intentions about what they want to accomplish in the New Year. Me, I think about what I no longer wish to accomplish . You see, … Continue reading → Moon Salutations
Date: November 17, 2010
I’m looking at the moon more often these days (or should I say nights?). And it’s all because of Laura Cornell. Mental Magic
Date: November 12, 2010
This morning I woke up fuzzy and with a headache. I slept well last night, but I felt hung-over. No, it wasn’t because I had overindulged at a wild party. It’s been a long time since I’ve attended anything that could be classified as “wild”. I’m fast asleep before anything remotely resembling wildness starts. The […] Continue reading → Inspirational Quotes
Date: September 30, 2010
This morning I went to add a new saying to my “favorite quotes” folder and found that the file was gone. I’ve been adding to that document for over a decade, collecting all the sayings that touched my heart, gave me inspiration, or provided a new perspective. Now the inspirational document is gone—probably accidentally erased […] Continue reading → Deadlines and Downtime
Date: September 23, 2010
Deadlines are a funny thing. I buckle down and get things done for a tight timeline. But when the deadline is far in the distance, I feel like I have all the time in the world to get something done. And therefore nothing gets done. The Blank Page
Date: July 28, 2010
I bought another journal today that I didn’t need. My daughter says I have a fetish for journals – and she’s probably right. I have thin and fat, large and small, colorful and plain journals stuck in all sorts of places – including by my bed, in my car, the office, kitchen and here now […] Continue reading → |
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